Mens work in Australia and the globe pulses through my veins, I’ve devoted my entire life to this path. I am here to show you that you can live a meaningful life, doing what you love. That the “new way” of being a man is integrated, you can be deeply spiritual whilst also saying words like “fuck”. You can be father and have a career/business that all flourishes. You can deeply love your partner and speak of that, your emotions, finances and vision to other brothers.
What you can count on me for is to ALWAYS share, teach from my personal wisdom; knowledge that I have actioned and am living. I believe it is from this place that the bond between you and I can be sanctioned, allowing your “Quest” to begin.
To activate a generation of men. Men who live life on THEIRS terms; in their business, relationships, fatherhood and LIFE itself. And by doing so lead an impactful, meaningful and purpose filled existence, giving to this world and making it a better place for our emerging elders.
Over a 3-month membership, you and men from around the globe have an online “GYM” to build rock solid foundations in your confidence, relationships and direction, sharpen your mindset, and gain clarity, tools and the strategy to become the man you say you wish to be. We’ll do this by providing you the structure (5 Phase Method of 25 modules) and guaranteeing high-level accountability along the journey.
Is it time to Reset, Rebuild, Reclaim, Remodel… & LIVE?
Over 3 day & 2 nights disconnect from your role as a provider, while immersed in the natural beauty of the Sunshine Coast. You’ll journey through the “masculine” archetypical frameworks that are fused with the elements (Earth, Wind, Fire, Water & Love) to refuel & reconnect back to YOURSELF and YOUR role in the world at large. This is Adventure meeting “the work”!
I teach you how to be with “life and its challenges” (MINDSET & EMOTIONAL IQ) whilst simultaneously developing your deeper purpose AND potential without jeopardising the relationships with the people you hold the dearest.
My style of coaching is direct, no fluff, coming from nothing but love. Studying the human brain and behaviour, I only teach from what I’m living and have implemented in my life as an entrepreneur, business owner, husband and father.
Vision. Growth. Brotherhood. Join the online global tribe of men on the same journey, “bettering themselves” daily through high level accountability. Each team is guided by a lead coach, every 3 months we set or expand YOUR vision/ commitments and then WE get to work to ensure you follow it through. With encouragement, support & banter along the way. The Drivers Seat Membership is the dependability that you may have struggled to harness within yourself. We got you bro!
A 6-week online course for men to get their “umph” back in life. This course is designed to boost your energy levels and drive, excite your direction and focus and also give you a PROVEN framework to create more time for the stuff that’s really important, yourself, health and family.